The Legislative Conference educates members on important federal legislation and policy initiatives; provides members with the opportunity to shape future industry positions and federal transportation policy.
The Legislative Conference educates members on important federal legislation and policy initiatives; provides members with the opportunity to shape future industry positions and federal transportation policy; provides direction on the industry’s legislative strategy and advocacy efforts with the U.S. Congress and executive branch; and offers sessions with key members of Congress, Administration officials, staffers and Washington opinion makers.
During the 2017 meeting, APTA members visited hundreds of Congressional offices to advocate for fully funding federal public transportation programs authorized in the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, addressing the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund in tax reform legislation, and fulfilling campaign promises for a new infrastructure initiative. These issues remain at the forefront of the legislative agenda, and with only a year left until the 2018 mid-term Congressional elections, now is the time to make our voices heard in Washington and push our priorities over the finish line.