Announcing New Publications from TCRP
The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) recently released the following publications:
Report 148 – Practical Resources for Recruiting Minorities for Chief Executive Officers at Public Transportation Agencies: This report provides strategies to recruit minorities for chief executive officer (CEO) positions and offers resources to assist governing boards of public transportation agencies in the recruitment of minority CEOs. It also assesses the transit industry's recruitment processes for CEOs and provides a case for diversity that documents the benefits of minorities in public transportation leadership positions. Additionally, the report describes strategies for retaining CEOs at public transportation agencies.
Report 149 – Improving Safety-Related Rules Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry: This report identifies potential best practices for all of the elements of a comprehensive approach to safety-related rules compliance. The categories of best practices, which correspond to the elements of a safety-related rules compliance program, include screening and selecting employees, training and testing, communication, monitoring rules compliance, responding to noncompliance and safety management.
This report also outlines the features of a prototype safety reporting system for public transportation.
Synthesis 91 – Use and Deployment of Mobile Device Technology for Real-Time Transit Information: This synthesis examines the use and deployment of real-time transit information on mobile devices. It explores the underlying technology required to generate the information to be disseminated; the mobile technology used for dissemination; the characteristics of the information; the resources required to successfully deploy information on mobile devices; and the contribution of mobile messaging to an overall agency communications strategy, including "information equity."
Synthesis 92 – Transit Asset Condition Reporting: This synthesis examines and documents the current state of the practice in transit asset condition management. It defines transit asset management as a strategic planning process that supports informed capital investment planning and programming.