Misiak to Lead Alternative Delivery Initiatives at WSP

Oct. 31, 2017
Jodie Misiak has been named service area manager, strategic initiatives for alternative delivery advisory services at WSP USA, formerly WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff.

Jodie Misiak has been named service area manager, strategic initiatives for alternative delivery advisory services at WSP USA, formerly WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff.

In her new position, Misiak will develop opportunities for new advisory business in infrastructure asset assessment, development, valuation and acquisition. She will provide leadership in the utilization of various innovative project delivery and value capture strategies to facilitate infrastructure development in a variety of sectors, and will structure and lead complex, multidisciplinary teams for infrastructure asset project evaluation, delivery and management. Ms. Misiak comes to WSP from the U.S. Department of Transportation where she served as a senior advisor to the secretary for the Build America Bureau and as a director of project and program development. She led a multidisciplinary team of experts selected from throughout USDOT and external management consultants in the development of a comprehensive Bureau operations implementation plan, including the formulation of vision, mission, goals, policies, and results-driven business procedures, in accordance with Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act requirements. Previously, she was director of the office of innovative project delivery at the Maryland Department of Transportation, working primarily to advance the state’s public-private partnership initiatives.

Misiak received a master of city planning degree and a master of science degree in transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a bachelor of arts degree in international studies from The Johns Hopkins University. She is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Revenue and Finance Committee and serves as an alumna educational counselor on MIT’s Educational Council.

WSP’s advisory services professionals are dedicated to developing business and operational solutions in all areas of management, investment and development throughout the entire business life cycle.

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