APTA Encouraged by Mention of Infrastructure Initiative in State of the Union but Concerned Proposal May Cut Funding for Public Transit

Jan. 31, 2018
The following is a statement by APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas on President Trumps State of the Union address.

The following is a statement by APTA President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas on President Trumps State of the Union address;

"The American Public Transportation Association and its 1,500 public and private members were encouraged that President Trump talked about the critical need to move forward with an infrastructure initiative in his State of the Union address.

"Public transportation is an essential component of our nation's infrastructure and increased investment is needed to fuel the economic growth the President lauded in his speech. APTA strongly urges President Trump to act on his proposal to dramatically improve our country's infrastructure, including public transportation.

"Three out of four Americans support increased public transportation investment, yet we have a $90 billion budget gap to update and modernize America's public transit systems that serve tens of millions of people and communities of all sizes.

"A strong federal investment in public transportation needs to be preserved and increased, not cut. APTA believes that an infrastructure initiative needs to build on the federal surface transportation program authorized in the FAST Act.

"Recent news reports stated the Trump Administration was considering eliminating some public transit federal funding to help pay for an infrastructure initiative. That action would be a step backwards and counterproductive, as well as harmful to the economy and to the tens of millions of people who depend on public transportation. Additionally, APTA supports the Chamber of Commerce's position that the federal gas tax, which has not been raised since 1993, should be increased to help pay for surface transportation infrastructure needs.

"Funding for public transportation relies on a strong federal, state, and local partnership. Infrastructure has always been a bipartisan issue and now is the time for both parties to come together to strengthen our nation's infrastructure and create a prosperous future."