Celebrate “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” with the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority
March 18, 2019
The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority will be recognizing its vehicle operators for “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” on Monday, March 18, 2019.
The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority will be recognizing its vehicle operators for “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” on Monday, March 18, 2019.
The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority will be recognizing its vehicle operators for “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” on Monday, March 18, 2019.
Transit Driver Appreciation Day is an annual event which began in 2009 as “Bus Driver Appreciation Day” and is celebrated every March 18th . The CCRTA is one of many national public transportation providers recognizing all public transportation operators. The organization currently employs 103 bus operators, with an additional 78 paratransit bus operators currently under contract through MV Transportation.
In 2018, CCRTA’s bus operators serviced over 5.3 million trips and guided passengers in traveling over 24 million miles. Community members can participate in “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” by telling their transit operator “thank you” while traveling on Monday, March 18th. Riders can also offer feedback by calling CCRTA’s Customer Support at (361) 883-2287 or utilizing #CCRTA and #TDAD on Facebook (CorpusChristiRTA), Instagram (corpus_christi_rta), or Twitter (@CCRTA).
The CCRTA encourages all community members to invite their family and friends to ride the “B” on Monday, March 18, 2019 and share their “Transit Driver Appreciation Day” experiences.