Latinos in Transit announces new board for 2022-2023
Latinos In Transit (LIT) is excited to welcome three new directors to the Board and to announce the reelection of board officers and directors. LIT held its annual membership breakfast meeting during APTA’s TRANSForm Conference and EXPO in Orlando, Fl. on November 7, 2021 where the board unanimously approved the 2022-2023 board of directors slate of nominees.
Re-elected board officers for two-year terms are Alva Carrasco, WSP USA’s Vice President -Transit and Rail West Region Market Lead as President of the board and Elizabeth Carter, Assistant Transit Director, RIO Metropolitan Transit District as Board Treasurer. Also returning are board members at large Joe Escobedo, Senior Vice President of Business Development, MV Transportation Inc.; Carmen Garcia, CEO, ABRAC LLC.; and Oscar J. Gonzalez, WSP USA, Vice President – Transit and Rail Capital Region Market Lead.
On January 2, 2022, LIT will welcome three new board members: Eugenio Bonet, West Division Operations Officer, HNTB Corporation; Jose C. Feliciano Jr., External Affairs Officer, Greater Cleveland RTA; and Herold Humphrey, Deputy Chief of Operations, Metropolitan Area Regional Transportation Authority (MARTA).
"I’m honored to join a group of passionate transportation professionals to advocate for the advancement of our Latinos and other minorities within our industry and to serve the communities we all live in," said Bonet.
Feliciano added, "Thank you to the Board of Directors of LIT. I am humbled by the opportunity to serve both the Latino community and the public transit industry, and I am excited to get LIT with all of you."
Humphrey also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity.
"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board and contributing to Latinos In Transit's mission in advocating equality, diversity and inclusion," said Humphrey.
LIT a nationally recognized organization celebrated their five-year anniversary as a non-profit in September 2021. LIT has grown at a rapid pace, especially during the last two years. Carrasco acknowledged past and current board members and volunteers at LIT’s annual membership meeting on November 7, 2021 for contributing to LIT’s growth and accomplishments.
Goals accomplished during the past two years include LIT’s rebranding and marketing program, development of a strategic plan, establishment of committees, the offering of educational virtual events and networking opportunities, “Café con LIT” monthly meetings, establishment of an American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) scholarship fund for a Latino/a pursuing a career in transportation, and currently in development is a mentorship program, Leadership Academy, and a scholarship committee for planned additional funding.
During APTA’s TRANSForm Conference, in Orlando, Fl. LIT’s EXPO booth was visited by conference attendees from as far away as Santiago, Chile.
LIT’s re-elected Board President, Alva Carrasco is WSP USA’s Vice President -Transit and Rail West Region Market Lead. Ms. Carrasco previously served as Vice President on the board of directors from 2016 – 2019 then was elected president in 2020.
"I am honored for the opportunity to continue to lead the organization during a time of unprecedented change in our industry. Our mission to advocate for equity and inclusion is more important than ever," said Carrasco. "I remain steadfast in my commitment to advocate for Latinos, women, and all minorities and look forward to working with our new board of directors and partners in the new year."
Carrasco received a National Latino Leadership Award on Wednesday, Sept. 15 during the 6th annual Latino Leadership Conference’s virtual event. Latino Leadership Conference, an initiative of the National Diversity Council, is a leadership development event for entrepreneurs, executives, innovators, educators, policy makers and students that is designed to foster change and opportunity within the Latino community.