LTD Board of Directors to roll out range of service recommendations after system review

Oct. 18, 2024
LTD will work to implement new service changes to work towards improving service efficiency and rider experience.

The Lane Transit District (LTD) Board of Directors will be implementing a range of service recommendations stemming from its system review process during its Oct. 16 meeting. 

LTD’s yearlong system review included a comprehensive survey that asked participants to prioritize service improvements, as well as workshops and presentations hosted by LTD and consultants from Nelson-Nygaard. 

The overwhelming majority of the 3,000-plus survey responses requested more frequency. Due to LTD’s successful recruitment of bus operators, the agency increased service by eight percent in September. 

“We’ve already increased frequency on EmX from 15 to 10 minutes and added trips on the majority of LTD’s neighborhood routes,” said LTD Business Intelligence Analyst Jeramy Card. “The recommendations adopted by the board on Wednesday night create a toolbox of changes LTD can implement when other factors fall into place, like hiring more bus operators or making capital improvements.” 

The short- and long-term service recommendations will increase frequency on nearly all metro and rural routes and will provide more consistent service on major roads.