Sound Transit says more time required for Connect 2020 Project

March 17, 2020
Reduced Link light-rail service continues and transfers are still required at Pioneer Square.
Sound Transit
Sound Transit 5e70f0fcd0260

Sound Transit announced work to complete the construction of the Connect 2020 Project, which will join new light rail to the Eastside into the existing system, will require additional time to complete due to issues identified March 14-15.

Link light-rail will continue to operate every 13-15 minutes and on one track in the downtown tunnel stations.

While completing final systems testing for the project, insufficient electrical resistance readings were discovered over a segment of newly installed track. The site of the problem has now been identified, and Sound Transit says it is working with its contractor to solve it.

Once repairs are complete, there will be another yet-to-be-determined closure of downtown Seattle stations in order to re-test and certify the new tracks.

“We are building Eastlink to serve the people of Puget Sound for generations, and we will insist on building it right, end-to-end” said Peter M. Rogoff, CEO of Sound Transit. “We regret this further inconvenience for our passengers, especially during this difficult time, and thank them for their continued patience.”

When Connect 2020 construction is complete, the existing tunnel will be configured for East Link in preparation for 2023 when light rail expands to 10 new East King County stations. Before then, three new stations — U District, Roosevelt and Northgate — will begin service in 2021, boosting ridership and increasing the importance of completing this work now, says Sound Transit.