Denver Regional Council of Governments to lead South Boulder Road Study
Jan. 3, 2024
In partnership with Boulder County, the cities of Boulder, Lafayette and Louisville and Denver RTD, the goal of the study is to develop a shared vision for the corridor by identifying current safety and mobility challenges and future opportunities to make the corridor more accessible for all road users.
Denver Regional Council of Governments to lead South Boulder Road Study.
The Denver Regional Council of Governments is leading the South Boulder Road Study in partnership with Boulder County, the cities of Boulder, Lafayette and Louisville and the Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD). The goal is to develop a shared vision for the corridor by identifying current safety and mobility challenges and future opportunities to make the corridor more accessible for all road users. This study plans to:
Improve safety for all users and reduce the number of serious crashes
Improve transit speed and reliability
Increase connectivity for all users along and across the corridor
A virtual South Boulder Road Study public meeting will take place on Jan. 24. The public can provide feedback on the study through a survey on Denver RTD’s website.