CTC Inc., Slated to Present Interconnection and Preemption Workshop for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

June 12, 2013
CTC, Inc., is slated to present an interconnection and preemption workshop for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) personnel, beginning June 12.

CTC, Inc., is slated to present an interconnection and preemption workshop for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) personnel, beginning June 12.

CTC President Rick Campbell will facilitate the two-day seminar on traffic signal systems interconnected with highway-rail grade crossing warning systems, which are also known as preempted crossings.

Campbell, who is one of the nation’s thought leaders on preempted grade crossings, will discuss elements of traffic-signal timing and phase sequencing that are critical for the proper design of railroad preemption.

“I’ll also present a very detailed segment on railroad crossing warning devices with particular emphasis on the latest standards, references and recommended practices,” Campbell said. “There have been some significant developments in preemption operation design during the several years.”

For this course Campbell will present operation of traffic signals and railroad warning devices, responsibilities of public agency and railroad personnel in the design and operation of the preemption system, and preemption operation case studies. He’ll also cover Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) safety advisories, technical bulletins and other documents on preemption. Attendees will participate in exercises to reinforce their understanding of traffic signal systems that are interconnected with grade crossing warning systems.

In the U.S., traffic control device standards are defined by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the FHWA. Campbell serves as chair of the Railroad and Light Rail Transit Technical Committee of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which serves as an advisory group to FHWA regarding changes to the MUTCD.

For the railroad industry, the American Railway Engineer and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) provides standards and recommended practices for the interconnection of traffic signal systems or other traffic control devices with railroad crossing warning systems. Campbell chairs the AREMA subcommittee (36-1) that addresses railroad grade-crossing active warning systems. Mr. Campbell serves as the AREMA representative to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

Campbell has presented more than 75 courses on traffic signal system preemption across the U.S., including seminars for the FHWA, FRA, Class I and passengerrailroads, multiple state DOTs, and numerous city/county agencies.