NCDOT Releases Draft Comprehensive State Rail Plan
The N.C. Department of Transportation has released the Draft Comprehensive State Rail Plan for public review and comment. The public comment period will run from Feb. 20 - March 21.
The plan is the freight and passenger rail component of Governor McCrory's 25-Year Vision for North Carolina and feeds directly into the Draft State Transportation Improvement Program, which was released on Dec. 4.
The release of the Draft State Rail Plan will give the public the opportunity to review:
- The vision for the state's rail system and supporting goals and policies to improve the rail network;
- The programs managed by NCDOT and how they work with other government and private sector programs to deliver a comprehensive set of rail services;
- An inventory of the state's rail system and an identification of trends, markets and needs;
- The prioritization of passenger and freight rail corridors; and
- Future improvements and investments and an assessment of funding options.
The Draft State Rail Plan is available for review online and comments can be made on NCDOT's Mindmixer page.
Once the public comment period ends, NCDOT will review all comments, address them accordingly, and make revisions to the plan as needed.
The final approval is scheduled for June.