Trust Approves of Surtax for Tri-Rail Downtown Miami Link
The Transportation Trust voted unanimously at the June 17 meeting to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Miami-Dade County and the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority that provides $13,900,000 in Transportation Surtax funds for planned Tri-Rail Downtown Miami Link station improvements. Tri-Rail would run 26 trains per day connecting with Metrorail and All Aboard Florida service at the Miami Central Station.
The approved funding represents 20 percent of the total $68 million needed to complete the improvements with additional contributions anticipated from local community development organizations and the City of Miami.
“This project is an extraordinary opportunity to work with local government and funding partners to provide daily commuter rail service into downtown Miami. The Trust is proud to participate in this historic effort and we urge all of the funding partners to approve and fund their respective portions of the project.” said Paul Schwiep, Esq, Chairman of the Transportation Trust.
The project is moving forward as it is reviewed by the other funding partners.