"The TTC Customer Charter guides efforts to improve service for our passengers with 37 measurable actions," said TTC Board Chair Josh Colle. "With modernization and maintenance work, new accessible streetcars, buses, and Wheel-Trans vehicles, the expansion of Wi-Fi, and the opening of the subway extension to York University and Vaughan in 2017, the Charter will ensure that the TTC is responsive and accountable to customers."

This year's charter commitments include:

  • Open the Toronto-York Spadina subway Extension
  • Add 40 new accessible, low-floor streetcars to our fleet
  • Complete installation of Wi-Fi service at all subway stations
  • Increase the number of accessible stations by three to 38 (44 including TYSSE stations)
  • Welcome more than 300 new buses and Wheel-Trans vehicles
  • Continue the rollout of PRESTO across the system
  • Increase and upgrade cycling infrastructure at stations
  • Adding 200 next vehicle arrival displays in shelters displays and adopting consistent language to improve service status information

In addition to the new commitments in this year's Charter, the TTC will continue to deliver on the positive initiatives that were started with the first Customer Charter in 2013:

  • Conducting at least three Meet the Manager sessions per quarter
  • Holding an annual TTC Customer Town Hall and an annual TTC Public Forum on Accessible Transit
  • Posting the performance of all surface routes on our website so you know how your route is performing
  • Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Mystery Shopper Surveys each quarter to better understand how we are performing on issues of importance to you.
  • Continuing to work with the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) and the Customer Liaison Panel (CLP) to ensure the customers' voice is part of our decision-making process