“Safety is our highest priority for Metro riders. These videos are edgy by design because we want these messages to stick,” said Metro Board Chair and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. “A lapse of attention at a rail crossing or unsafe behavior at a station can have dire if not deadly consequences. Let’s all do our part to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip."
Viewers take a trip to “Safetyville” to explore common safety-related issues in and around train tracks and stations. The video series reminds people that “safety begins with you” and tackles issues such as running to catch a train, lack of attention while driving a car near tracks and failure to follow posted safety instructions.
For more information on the video series, visit http://www.masstransitmag.com/press_release/12224363/metros-new-animated-videos-tackle-rail-safety-issues-with-dreadful-outcomes