DOT Secretary Announces More Than $9M for Tribal Transportation Safety Improvements
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao has announced that 74 tribes in 20 states will receive more than $9 million for 77 projects from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)'s Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) to improve transportation safety on tribal lands. “Transportation is a key to accessing opportunity and we are committed to helping make travel safer on tribal roads,” said Secretary Elaine L. Chao. “These funds will assist tribal communities in building a system that improves safety for the traveling public and provides residents increased access to greater long-term economic opportunity.” The funds will be used for safety planning and roadway improvements. FHWA received 172 applications from 128 recognized tribes requesting a total of $40.3 million in assistance. Congress created the program to improve highway safety on tribal roads and other transportation facilities — statistically, some of the most hazardous in the nation because of poor physical condition and other factors. Examples of this year’s grant recipients include: