SinglePoint Communications

Beaverton, OR 97006


About SinglePoint Communications

SinglePoint offers solutions for adding Wi-Fi to public transport vehicles, LED displays, on-board cameras, mobile ticketing, Wi-Fi advertising, mobile passenger information solutions and more.


1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy Suite 400
Beaverton, OR 97006
1.866.959.WIFI (9434)

More Info on SinglePoint Communications

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Established in 2007, SinglePoint is North America's leading distributor of products and services that provide Internet access to the private and public transportation markets, first responders, and commercial fleet operators. SinglePoint seeks out the highest quality equipment and service providers to ensure optimal quality of service to its clientele.

Products and Press Releases

SinglePoint Communications
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SinglePoint Launches New SinglePASS Mobile Ticketing Solution

Oct. 24, 2012
The platform, branded as SinglePASS and powered by TransitSherpa technology, helps reduce the cost of fare collection, allows transit operators to optimize their fleet, and improves...
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Audio, Video Entertainment Systems

SinglePoint Announces New SingleVIEW LED Display Offering

May 2, 2012
The next-generation solution puts valuable information in front of transit customers.

Articles & News

SinglePoint CEO Robert Taylo.
40 Under 40

Robert Taylo

Sept. 18, 2012
SinglePoint CEO Robert Taylo.

Videos & Resources

Single Point Logo

Mass Transit Mobile WiFi & the Public Sector: Successful Implementation by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Nov. 1, 2013
The successful implementation of mass transit mobile WiFi and its importance to the public sector.
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Mass Transit TV: 10/19/12

Oct. 19, 2012
Brought to you by SinglePoint Communications, this cast looks at what people could see from King County Metro if they attended the APTA Annual Meeting and some highlights of InnoTrans...
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Mass Transit TV: 5/18/12

May 14, 2012
Brought to you by SinglePoint Communications, this cast looks at Houston Metro's Transit Boyz and features coverage from the 2012 APTA International Bus Roadeo.
Mtv Ep3

Mass Transit TV: 5/4/12

May 3, 2012
Brought to you by SinglePoint Communications, this cast looks at a new milestone for the RTC's employer transportation program in Las Vegas, what some university students created...


Rob Taylo


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All content from SinglePoint Communications

SinglePoint CEO Robert Taylo.

Mobile Wi-Fi Challenge #2: Providing Solid Internet Connectivity

March 15, 2013
Wi-Fi technology is beginning to catch up with the desire for constant connectivity. The first major shift that’s helping speed train and bus Wi-Fi is the switch from older 3G...
SinglePoint CEO Robert Taylo.

Mass Transit & Mobile Wireless Internet: The Challenge of Costs

Feb. 19, 2013
Passengers are coming to expect Wi-Fi on all forms of transportation and fortunately, there are several financial routes transit agencies can take when it comes to funding mobile...