
Mountain View, CA 94043


About Covia


465 Fairchild Dr.
Suite 130
Mountain View, CA 94043
650 564 9740

More Info on Covia

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Covia Labs has developed a software platform that enables secure interoperable communications across an unlimited number of diverse devices, from smart phones to proprietary police and fire department radios to weapons systems. The company is currently focused on solving the communications interoperability issues faced by the men and women in public safety and the U.S. Military who frequently are unable to communicate or share information with other agencies or partners responding to the same incident or mission due to incompatibilities in their infrastructure or equipment. Covia was named a "Top Performing Technology" at the U.S. Military's 2010 CWID (Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration) events in 2010 and it is currently working on a contract with the U.S Department of Homeland Security.

Products and Press Releases

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Safety Services & Products

Alert & Respond

March 22, 2012
Utilize all of the features of increasingly advanced, commercially available smartphones, including voice, video, compass, GPS, memory, storage and maps Gives dispatchers, commanders...

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