Flypaper Studio Inc.

Cincinnati, OH 45202


About Flypaper Studio Inc.


311 Elm Street, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45202
United States

More Info on Flypaper Studio Inc.

Flypaper 10824076

Flypaper Studio Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Trivantis Corp. Flypaper produces a content creation platform that empowers programmers and non-programmers alike to create, edit, share, track and reuse high-impact interactive and motion graphics video content.

Products and Press Releases

Articles & News

Digital Signage Federation
Experts say digital signage messages should be clear to readers.

Engaging a Return on Investment in Digital Signage

Aug. 22, 2013
Digital signage experts said in order to optimize returns on signage investment and to get the most out of advertising efforts, units need to engage customers and target them ...

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