TC Communications Inc.

Irvine, CA 92614


About TC Communications Inc.


17881 Cartwright Road
Irvine, CA 92614
United States

More Info on TC Communications Inc.

Tc Communications 11611299

Specializing in fiber optic communications networks, TC Communications Inc. designs and manufactures all types of multi-service Ethernet platforms, industrial grade modular Ethernet switches, self-healing ring Ethernet switches, media converters, modems, multiplexers, telephone/data multiplexers and telephone extenders.  

Products and Press Releases

Tccommunications 11611311

New OC-3 Gateway Simplifies Ethernet-to-SONET Connectivity

Sept. 1, 2014
The Ethernet over OC-3/STM-1 Gateway from TC Communications offers users a simple, low-cost IP migration path by bridging Ethernet LANs between existing SONET/SDH networks.

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