Swiftly Inc.

San Francisco, CA 94117


About Swiftly Inc.

Swiftly is a data-driven technology platform that helps transit agencies improve their operational efficiency, make smarter infrastructure investments, and better engage their riders.


530 Divisadero St #263
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States of America

More Info on Swiftly Inc.

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Swiftly is a data-driven technology platform that helps transit agencies improve their operational efficiency, make smarter infrastructure investments, and better engage their riders.

Products and Press Releases

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
This new technology system was developed to assist bus operators with safely navigating their routes, detours, and roadway challenges.
Communications, Navigation, CAD-AVL, GPS

MBTA and Swiftly pilot new transit navigation system

The system will be implemented into up to 100 buses by the end of the year as a part of the MBTA’s NextGen Bus Navigation Pilot.
Transitapp Swiftly
Mobile Applications

Transit app and Swiftly launch better real-time information in Miami-Dade

Jan. 30, 2020
Collaboration between Transit app and big data platform Swiftly means riders don’t have to toss a coin and guess when their ride is arriving.

Introducing the Swiftly Operator Reports Module

Dec. 5, 2019
The latest module, Operator Reports, gives agencies a neutral, data-driven perspective into how operators are driving their routes and executing their schedules.

Articles & News

Jonny Simkin, CEO, Swiftly, Inc.
40 Under 40

2023 40 Under 40: Jonny Simkin

Aug. 22, 2023
Jonny Simkin, CEO, Swiftly, Inc.
Swiftly Inc.
A screenshot of Swiftly's Headways module.
Passenger Info

It’s time for transit agencies to (actually) double down on rider focus

June 20, 2019
In order to grow ridership, public transit agencies need an unflinching devotion to the customer experience.

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All content from Swiftly Inc.

Transit Analytics by Swiftly 57bafa82609e4

Transit Analytics by Swiftly

Aug. 22, 2016
A stunning new way to monitor how your transit system is performing. Access real-time and historical on-time performance reports, vehicle location data, origin-destination pairs...
Transitime by Swiftly 57bafa18b22d0

Transitime by Swiftly

Aug. 22, 2016
Deliver accurate real-time transit information to riders through beautiful web and mobile apps. Real-time passenger information has never been more affordable, reliable, and easy...