The 2018 Fare Collection/Revenue Management Conference
The inclusion of Revenue management issues provide a broader perspective of fare collection operations. Transit agencies of all sizes and fare collection methods attend to discuss current fare collection projects and issues, share experiences and best practices with their peers, and review situations of concern to multiple agencies.
Who should attend: Public and private sector professionals engaged in the various aspects of fare collection and revenue management including transit agency officials who review, plan, procure, implement, operate, secure and audit fare systems and the consultants, equipment and service providers who support these systems
The 2018 TransITech Conference
A key feature of the 2018 TransITech conference will be the many facets of "Innovation." As technology and advanced practices find their way into our industry we need to address means of managing innovation in the best interest of operations and safety. The latest in the field of technology will also be featured. with presentations and interactive sessions in bus, rail and demand responsive applications.
Who should attend: public transportation information technology professionals, chief information officers, operations managers and staff, software developers, all of those who benefit from modern public transportation information technologies.