Monterey-Salinas Transit opens new Mobility Center
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, the Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) Board of Directors, community leaders, and staff officially opened its new Mobility Services Center located at 15 Lincoln Avenue in Salinas, CA. The Center was dedicated to the memory of Alma Almanza who tirelessly advocated for improved mobility services for persons with disabilities. Alma Almanza said of transit services "MST gives me my mobility."
The project was funded by Measure Q, a local 1/8 cent sales tax for transportation services to benefit seniors, persons with disabilities, and veterans. Honoring this commitment, the Mobility Services Center will offer RIDES eligibility certification, and services for travel training, taxi vouchers, MST TRIPs, and the Navigator volunteer program.
MST Chair Mike LeBarre noted that “this new Center now provides our seniors, persons with disabilities, and veterans the support services they need to use our public transportation system whether on a RIDES bus or on a regularly scheduled bus. Travel training and other services will help people get to where they need to go.”