Electro Static Technology

Mechanic Falls, ME 04256


About Electro Static Technology


31 Winterbrook Road
Mechanic Falls, ME 04256
United States of America

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Products and Press Releases

Electro Static Technology
16085 AEGIS PRO Series Rings 56fd7fa64c0b7

Aegis Pro Series Rings Protect Large Motors and Generators From Shaft Voltage Bearing Damage

March 31, 2016
By diverting harmful VFD-induced shaft voltages safely to ground, Aegis Pro Series Rings protect large AC and DC motors from bearing damage, costly repairs, unplanned downtime...
Electro Static Technology
15434 AEGIS SVT O Scope NR 56c5ac6e5962f

AEGIS Shaft Voltage Tester Digital Oscilloscope

Feb. 18, 2016
The new AEGIS Shaft Voltage Tester Digital Oscilloscope makes it easier to check in-service motors for damaging VFD-induced shaft voltages and head off bearing damage and costly...
Electro Static Technology
15434 AEGIS SVT O Scope NR 56c5ac6e5962f

Test VFD-Controlled Motors for Damaging Shaft Voltages With New Digital Oscilloscpe

Feb. 18, 2016
Industrial motors controlled by variable frequency drives (VFDs) are at risk of electrical bearing damage.

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