ASK, a worldwide major actor in contactless technology, leader in public transport and a supplier of e-Identity documents for many countries, strengthens its operational management and appoints Thierry Lucereau as a CEO, in replacement of Bruno Moreau, who remains a board member.
The company has kept growing on local and global markets over the last five years while extending its manufacturing capacity in major parts of the world. In this very dynamic environment, ASK will benefit from Lucereau's 30 years of experience, particularly as a general manager of international industrial and packaging companies. His versatile experience in manufacturing, sales and general management within SME and global companies is definitely an asset for ASK.
"I am very proud to join a company that developed such an expertise in contactless technology and was a pioneer on this market," says Lucereau, ASK CEO. "Now, ASK needs to optimize and perpetuate its activity on a highly competitive market while keeping a strong innovation policy to offer the market the future services of contactless technology."
In 2011, ASK, the inventor of contactless paper tickets, was actively involved in contactless paper tickets rollout in France where cities such as Lille, Angers, Reims or Dijon trusted ASK C.ticket. The company, keeping up innovation, has just launched TickeTac, a new secure ticket. The security feature can be adapted to contactless smart cards and thus address the transport/bank convergence or the e-identity sector. ASK also strengthens its relation with legacy clients such as Portugal, reaching 50 million C.ticket ordered over the last 10 years, or NETS, the supplier of electronic purse in Singapore.