Metro Transit to deploy 12 digital bus shelters throughout Twin Cities service area

Sept. 19, 2024
The introduction of 75” digital screens provides opportunities for the agency to engage with customers through more dynamic content.

Metro Transit has partnered with Intersection to deploy 12 new digital bus shelters throughout the Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., region.  

Before this deployment, Metro Transit’s network of over 150 bus shelters contained only static advertising panels. The introduction of 75” digital screens provides opportunities for brands to engage with customers through more dynamic content in the busiest parts of the city and allows Metro Transit to share transit information with customers, ultimately improving everyday rider experiences.  

Intersection and Metro Transit will have a total of 40 digital shelters deployed over the next six months. Digital bus shelters are positioned within high traffic areas of the Twin Cities, including the busy downtown core and high traffic suburban locations. 

“Enhancing everyday experiences in cities is core to our mission,” said Scott Goldsmith, president and COO, Intersection. “The ability to deliver real-time customer information in more locations and deliver more impactful advertising that will generate incremental revenue is a testament to the future-focused nature of our longstanding relationship with Metro Transit.” 

“These digital screens support our larger effort to provide riders accurate real-time information in a variety of ways while at the same time generating revenue that supports transit operations across the region,” said Metro Transit General Manager Lesley Kandaras. 

Intersection has been Metro Transit’s advertising partner since 2007, deploying and managing a variety of media formats across train cars, major transit hubs and on rail station platforms.  

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Metro Transit

Aug. 27, 2015