Free Onboard Wi-Fi Now Available for TransIT Customers
TransIT Services of Frederick County has announced that their customers are now able to receive free Wi-Fi onboard Connector routes. TransIT staff coordinated efforts with RouteMatch and Verizon to get all equipment ordered, installed, and set up for customers. The project utilizes the routers that provide Automatic Vehicle Location and Automatic Passenger Counting data.
Free onboard Wi-Fi allows TransIT customers to multitask during their trip and it will be an asset to users who utilize TransIT’s mobile ticketing app, TransIT ezFARE, which requires customers to have smartphone data or Wi-Fi to access their bus tickets. To connect to the Wi-Fi while onboard, riders should go to their smartphone Wi-Fi settings and select “TransIT Public Wi-Fi”. Once the initial connection is made, the Wi-Fi should automatically reconnect on a riders’ phone when a TransIT Connector is nearing their location at a bus stop.