Peerless-AV Showcases Fully-Sealed Outdoor Display at 2017 Rail Conference
Peerless-AV showcased its fully-sealed outdoor display at the 2017 Rail Conference, June 11-14 at the at the Hilton Baltimore, Booth 511.
Ideal for rail transportation settings, the Peerless-AV Xtreme Outdoor Display is capable of year-round outdoor digital signage with Peerless-AV’s weatherproof technology. Exhaust fumes, chemicals, micro particles, and brake dust amidst train stations and subways are the “silent killers” of most transit tech. To combat this, Peerless-AV’s flat panel display is 100 percent sealed and engineered to endure the elements. With a patented Dynamic Thermal Transfer system along with IP68 and NEMA 6 ratings, the Xtreme display offers the widest operating temperature range available (-40° - +140°).
From sharing schedules and delays with riders to entertainment and advertising, the 1080p HD display is an easy to maintain, cost-effective, and reliable solution for communication. Most “outdoor” displays still rely on vents, filters, and fans, meaning the filters must be regularly changed as fumes, dirt or brake dust clog the exchange of air in and out of the display.
However, the Peerless-AV Xtreme display is as unaffected by these as it is by the weather — the patented, fully-sealed ventless design keeps debris outside the display while protecting the electronics within. Additional key features of the display include ambient light sensors for easy reading, shatterproof, optically bonded glass to prevent breakage, and more.