Luminator Technology Group’s BiStable display systems are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and require very little energy to display information. In fact, energy is only briefly required while updates are made. When power is turned off the existing information will continue to be displayed indefinitely until the next update is received. An optional solar panel and battery enable the solution to be completely self-sufficient in applications where no power grid is available. All equipment can be flexibly mounted to a pole, wall, or structure.
Typical applications are information boards for departure and arrival schedules, weather and time updates, advertising, and more. Updates are made remotely via wireless SMS and the content can be flexibly designed for various fonts, graphics, pictograms, and logos.
Our monochrome and color BiStable reflective displays are readable in all light conditions. An optional push button front panel light with brightness sensor is available for enhanced readability at night. Also, an integrated speaker or video camera can be easily added as well.