IFB 24-06-517 IndyGo Historic Window Repair Project

Sept. 19, 2024

Summary: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corp. dba IndyGo, is seeking bids from qualified contractors for project, includes reglazing, restoration and painting of all exterior windows of the Historic Duesenberg Building located at 1501 W Washington Street. To Register and view this IFB Online at: https://indygo.bonfirehub.com/opportunities/152831

Issue of IFB: 10/2/2024, by EOD.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: 10/8/2024, @ 10am EST.

(TEAMS Virtual Only) /Site-Visit at 2pm 1501 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46222 / Meet at Front Security Desk.

Written Questions Due: 10/15/2024 by 3:00pm EST

 Answers Provided and Posted: 10/18/2024.

Bids Due Date: 10/30/2024 by 2:00pm / Bid Opening at 2:30pm (TEAMS Virtual Only)

IPTC Board Date: 11/21/2024 at 11am.