MV is the largest privately owned passenger transportation contracting services firm in North America, providing paratransit, fixed-route, public and private shuttle, and student transportation services.
2711 North Haskell Avenue, Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75204 United States of America
MV is the largest privately owned passenger transportation contracting services firm in North America, providing paratransit, fixed-route, public and private shuttle, and student transportation services.
IndyGo provides countywide public paratransit services through IndyGo Access for Marion County that are comparable to the days and times of IndyGo’s fixed-route systems.
The new partnership is focused on improving reliability and customer service and providing a foundation to meet the growing mobility needs of the region.
Second Avenue Subway OpensGovernor Andrew M. Cuomo celebrated the on-time arrival of the Second Avenue Subway — the system’s first major expansion in more than 50 years – with...
When a transit agency goes out to bid, it’s a chance for them to improve services by getting new equipment, new professional leadership and new vision on how the system will look...
Lextran brought the latest technology onboard to improve service and is now underway in a project to consolidate its operations, maintenance and administrative facilities in to...
Veolia Transportation COO Ken Westbrook announced that Dr. Chadwick Reese has been named as the new executive director for Chatham Area Transit Authority. Reese succeeds previous...
The Rapid's paratransit service, GO!Bus, recently welcomed four new vehicles fueled by clean-burning, domestically-produced, affordable propane autogas.
MV Transportation, Inc. announced it has been selected by the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of Harris County to operate Houston METRO paratransit...
MV Transportation, Inc. has announced that it has been awarded a contract to provide regional public transit services by the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency which began September...