Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT)

Richmond, VA 23219


About Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT)


1313 East Main Street Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23219

More Info on Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT)

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DRPT's three primary areas of activity (rail, public transportation, and commuter services) focus on the movement of people and goods throughout Virginia.

Products and Press Releases

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
A Virginia DRPT bus.
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

Virginia DRPT releases low and zero emissions guidebook

Nov. 4, 2024
Virginia DRPT’s guidebook will help agencies to decide how and if to transition to low- and zero-emission vehicles.
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
DRPT launches public transit positive impact campaign.

DRPT launches public transit positive impact campaign

Sept. 9, 2024
The "Connects Communities" campaign aims to increase awareness and usage of local transit options across the service area.
Amtrak and partners open Newport News Transportation Center.

Amtrak and partners open Newport News Transportation Center

Aug. 22, 2024
The center will provide two daily Amtrak Virginia roundtrips between the city of Newport News and Richmond and Alexandria, Va., Washington, D.C., and cities in the northeast....

Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board approves $4.4 million in funding for 15 projects to improve bus stops and safety

Dec. 5, 2023
The funding is provided through DRPT’s Transit Ridership Incentive Program, which aims to grow and improve transit use through enhancing the regional connectivity of urban areas...

Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board approves new funding policies for VRE and WMATA

Sept. 21, 2023
The policies change the way the VRE is funded and reforms the governance and funding of the WMATA.
Shared Mobility

Microtransit ridership growing in two Virginia communities after 18-month pilot

July 12, 2023
DRPT, with partners Bay Transit and Mountain Empire Older Citizens, launched an 18-month pilot in June 2021 that tested rural microtransit services, with the goal of expanding...
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VRE opens new Lifecycle Overhaul and Upgrade Facility

The new facility allows VRE to perform expanded maintenance on its railcars and locomotives onsite in Spotsylvania County, Va.
Via’s Remix transportation planning software will help DRPT better plan transit networks.
Shared Mobility

Via’s Remix transportation planning software will help DRPT better plan transit networks

June 9, 2023
The partnership will equip more than 40 Virginia transit agencies with free access to Via’s Remix transportation planning software to help planners visualize transportation access...
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation

FRA approves DRPT’s 2022 Statewide Rail Plan

March 16, 2023
The 2022 Statewide Rail Plan provides long-term guidance for Virginia’s transportation leadership to ensure the Commonwealth’s rail needs for people, communities and commerce ...

Articles & News

Mass Transit
Jon Gary Herrera (Center), Tiffany Robinson (top right), Ben Tien (bottom left), Ned freeman (bottom right).

People on the Move: VIA Metropolitan Transit, Virginia DRPT, Houston Metro, UZURV

Nov. 13, 2024
Personnel updates throughout the public transit industry.
King County Metro
Snoqualmie Valley Transportation’s Valley Shuttle, the fixed route bus connecting North Bend and Duvall, Wash., will start running on Saturdays and Sundays as of Aug. 17.

Bus service enhancements from NJ Transit, Snoqualmie Valley Transportation, Virginia Breeze

Aug. 14, 2024
In the month of August, NJ Transit, Virginia Breeze and Snoqualmie Valley Transportation will apply bus service changes to improve efficiency and reliability of their transit ...

Zach Trogon named acting director of Virginia DRPT

June 20, 2024
Trogon, who joined the agency in October 2022 as its chief of public transportation, will take the reigns from Jennifer DeBruhl after her retirement at the end of June.
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
Jennifer DuBruhl has been appointed by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin to be the director of the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation.

Jennifer DeBruhl appointed director of DRPT

DeBruhl has been serving as interim director since March 2022 and says her focus will be on metrics, evaluation, innovation and accountability to provide useful services to the...
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Officials broke ground May 9 on the Transitway Extension in Arlington County, Va. [image: NVTC]

Northern Virginia stakeholders kick off Transitway Extension work

May 10, 2022
The extension will add 1.1 miles to the 4.5-mile Transitway corridor and provide multimodal connections to Arlington County.
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June 3, 2011
URS Names Bob Holt a senior vice president and national director, Program and Construction Management. In this position, Holt is responsible for leading URS’ program and construction...

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All content from Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT)

Fare Collection

GRTC extends Zero-Fare pilot program through 2024

The agency cites a 15 percent uptick in ridership since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, strong public support and the importance of transit equity as the reason for continuing...
Fare Collection

GRTC receives approval to close transit gaps in rural and suburban areas of Richmond through microtransit

GRTC will get $4.06 million from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation’s Transit Ridership Incentive Program to fund the three-year pilot program.
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation

DRPT Transit Ridership Incentive Program to fund three projects that expand transit services in Virginia

Dec. 8, 2022
TRIP already supports zero or reduced fare at eight agencies, as well as four regional connectivity projects around the commonwealth.
Zach Trogdon

DRPT names Zach Trogdon as chief of public transportation

Nov. 2, 2022
Trogdon will lead the evaluation, assistance, and execution of a $4.7 billion portfolio of public transportation, commuter assistance and congestion management programs throughout...
Drpt Rediscover Your Ride

DRPT launches new transit recovery campaign

March 15, 2022
The 'Rediscover Your Ride' campaign aims to promote public transportation use.
Left, Jennifer Mitchell has stepped down from her role as director of Virginia DRPT to serve as deputy administrator of the FRA; right, Jennifer DdBruhl has been named acting director of DRPT effective March 18.

Virginia DRPT’s Mitchell steps down; DeBruhl named acting director

March 14, 2022
DeBruhl has led the department’s public transportation efforts for more than five years and succeeds Mitchell, who is taking a post at the Federal Railroad Administration in April...
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VRPA launches New River Valley passenger rail station feasibility study survey 

Dec. 29, 2021
The study reflects on previous work conducted for the New River Valley Passenger Rail Station locations in the region, while examining what station location opportunities are ...
State and local funding will support a three-year zero fare study on GRTC's system starting in July 2022.
Fare Collection

GRTC lands state grant to study zero-fare impacts

The three-year study will evaluate benefits, impacts and sustainability of zero fares, as well as alternative fare collection methods.

Virginia offers one-time relief funding opportunity to intercity bus providers

Aug. 6, 2021
The American Rescue Plan Act allocated $2.3 million to the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation for distribution.