Phoenix Transit Partnerships Enhances Dial-a-Ride Customer Experience
When a Phoenix Dial-a-Ride (DAR) paratransit customer calls in to schedule a trip, there’s a great juggling act in the background going on to make sure they get where they need to go.
The Phoenix Public Transit Department knows how important it is for DAR riders to get to appointments, work, school and many destinations, and is always juggling efforts for improvements.
One of those improvements is the new overflow service for Phoenix DAR. In preparation for the new Dial-a-Ride service expansion - thanks to the voter-approved Transportation 2050 (T2050) plan - that started Oct. 2016, Phoenix Transit approved a partnership between its Dial-a-Ride contractor MV Transportation and their subcontractor Discount Cab to provide overflow service during the regular service day.
The new service began mid-November and now if unforeseen situations occur such as a driver calling out, a vehicle breaking down, or there are just too many trips requested within a certain time period, riders can still catch a ride at their desired time.
The overflow service is used at the discretion of MV Transportation. Overflow service is especially helpful during peak times such as 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. when most riders are likely to schedule trips.
The best part is that from the rider’s perspective, it’s a seamless process. The juggling remains behind the scenes without the customer having to call a different number or having to deal with a different dispatcher.
“Phoenix Dial-a-Ride has been there for me for the past 19 years. I’m blind and I use it to get to my Spanish interpreter job, appointments and wherever I need to go. It means a lot that they’re working to make it better,” said long-time Dial-a-Ride passenger Hilda Moreno.
Services for Phoenix Dial-a-Ride had an almost four percent increase from 336,000 boardings in Fiscal Year 2015 to 348,500 boardings in FY 2016.
“We’re excited about this partnership that supplements passenger trips on Discount Cab because we are fully committed to providing safe and efficient service that our riders expect from Phoenix Dial-a-Ride,” said MV Transportation Operations Manager Kenneth Ming.
Three more hours of bus and Dial-a-Ride service every day of the week are part of the T2050 plan increases. We can expect even more service when fixed route bus and Dial-a-Ride match light rail hours in April 2017.