City of Phoenix - Public Transit Department

Phoenix, AZ 85003


About City of Phoenix - Public Transit Department


302 North First Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85003

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Products and Press Releases

Via Transportation, Inc.
Via Transportation app.

Phoenix Public Transit Department receives $12.9 million congestion relief grant

Nov. 6, 2024
Funding from this grant will be used to implement microtransit services in Phoenix, Ariz., to help reduce congestion.
City of Phoenix
Hybrid buses enter service in Phoenix, Ariz..
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

Hybrid buses enter service in Phoenix, Ariz.

Aug. 14, 2024
The Phoenix Public Transit Department is working toward a goal of having a zero-emission bus fleet by 2040.
City of Phoenix
A rendering of the future Metrocenter transit center that will be named after former Phoenix Mayor and Councilmember Thelda Williams.

Phoenix names transit center in honor of Thelda Williams

May 4, 2023
The former Phoenix Mayor and Councilmember Thelda Williams was an advocate for the city’s efforts to plan and build its light rail and bus expansions.
The First and Moore/Valley Forge Station rendering on the King of Prussia Rail's western terminal. The transparent white buildings to the right of the parking garage highlight an opportunity for transit-oriented development near the station.

FTA awards $6.2 million in TOD planning grants

The funding will be distributed among nine projects in seven states.
City of Phoenix
Markus Coleman

Phoenix names Coleman as Light Rail Administrator

March 8, 2019
Coleman has worked in Public Transit, Planning and Development departments and the City Manager’s office and most recently led oversight efforts for the South Central Light Rail...
City of Phoenix
Mike James.

Phoenix Names New Bus Rapid Transit Administrator

May 25, 2017
The city of Phoenix’s Public Transit Department has recently added an administrator to introduce bus rapid transit (BRT) under the city’s voter-approved Phoenix Transportation...
City of Phoenix
Joe Bowar 5889353f54b85

Phoenix Public Transit Department Names New Deputy Director

Jan. 25, 2017
The city of Phoenix Public Transit Department has promoted Joseph Bowar as deputy director of the Facilities and Oversight division.
City of Phoenix
The 28 buses cost about $23.5 million and are paid for with federal and regional transit funds.

Supersized Buses Arrive in Phoenix

Jan. 1, 2017
New articulated, or "artic," buses are now servicing Phoenix's busiest routes, with more to come in early 2017. The 60-foot buses are made of two sections linked by a joint, or...

Articles & News

Al Burns, director of Procurement and Contracts Administration, Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART)

Best Practices: Procurement Practices

Nov. 16, 2016
Tampa, Fla.Al BurnsDirector of Procurement and Contracts AdministrationHillsborough Area Regional Transit AuthorityOver the course of the last 12 years as a director in public...

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All content from City of Phoenix - Public Transit Department


Phoenix City Council Approves Improved Bus Service to Start in October

June 23, 2016
The Phoenix City Council approved a major milestone in the future of the city’s transit landscape, which adds bus service hours and frequency when scheduled service changes take...

New Phoenix Bus Route on 32nd Street Begins Next Week

The first bus service expansion related to Transportation 2050 (T2050) begins Monday, April 25 with the start of a new route - Route 32 (32nd Street).
Phoenix Public Transit Department
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New Buses Hit Phoenix Streets

March 31, 2016
The Phoenix Public Transit Department has ordered 120 new buses to serve the city’s local routes, the first order for new 40-foot buses since late 2013.

Phoenix Bus Strike Continues

Jan. 14, 2016
The Phoenix Public Transit Department has been informed that ongoing negotiations between Transdev and members of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1433 has not yet resulted...

Phoenix Bus Drives to Vote on Agreement

Jan. 6, 2016
The Phoenix Public Transit Department has been informed by Transdev that leaders of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1433 will present the company’s best and final offer...

Bus Service Will Continue Jan. 5 in Phoenix

Jan. 5, 2016
The Phoenix Public Transit Department has been informed that Transdev and members of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1433 will continue negotiations on Jan. 5.As of ...

Potential Strike Could Affect Bus Service in Phoenix

Jan. 5, 2016
The Phoenix Public Transit Department has been informed that today’s negotiations between Transdev, one of its contracted bus service providers, and members of the Amalgamated...

Phoenix Voters Approve Transportation Plan

Aug. 28, 2015
According to unofficial results Aug. 26, Phoenix voters approved a proposed transportation plan as part of a citywide election. The plan, called Transportation 2050, was developed...
Nutcracker Bus 1 10842676

Nutcracker Holiday Bus Brings Cheer to Phoenix Streets

Dec. 14, 2012
Bringing together ballet and buses might seem like a far-fetched idea, but the combination proved successful for the Phoenix Public Transit Department.