City of Fairfield, Calif.,’s FAST transit service unveils three BEBs
The city of Fairfield, Calif.,’s transit service, FAST, has unveiled three new battery-electric buses (BEB). The locally made vehicles mark the start of FAST’s transition to a fully zero-emission fleet by 2040.
The city received a competitive Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant through the Buses and Bus Facilities program, which funds zero-emission BEBs, charging equipment and supporting facilities. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission provided a letter of support to FTA for the grant application and provided matching federal funds through the Transit Capital Priorities program.
The community will be able to ride the new FAST BEBs beginning in mid-to-late September 2024.
Transportation electrification is one of the strategies adopted in Plan Bay Area 2050, the region’s long-range plan for housing, the economy, transportation and the environment.