Blacksburg Transit (BT)

Blacksburg, VA 24060


About Blacksburg Transit (BT)


2800 Commerce Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060
United States

More Info on Blacksburg Transit (BT)

Blacksburg Transit
Bt Logo 11473154

Blacksburg Transit is the public transportation provider for Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, Christiansburg and parts of Montgomery County in southwest Virginia.

Products and Press Releases

Virginia Tech
Shared Mobility

Blacksburg Transit, Virginia Tech to launch new Campus Shuttle route

The Campus Shuttle route will offer better connectivity to more of the Virginia Tech central campus.
Photo Brian Booth Bt Background 7 27 21

Brian Booth takes helm as Blacksburg Transit director

Aug. 30, 2021
Booth started his career as a bus operator and dispatcher with BT while in college at Virginia Tech.
New BT bus design.

Blacksburg Transit Unveils New Exterior Bus Design

June 15, 2017
The new design will replace the familiar cream background with stripes that Blacksburg Transit has used on the outside of their vehicles since the service began in 1983.
Left to right: Operations Manager Harland Brown, Blacksburg Transit Director Tom Fox.

Blacksburg Transit Earns Two 2017 VTA Awards

June 5, 2017
Blacksburg Transit was recognized with two awards from the Virginia Transit Association at their annual conference.
2017 Paratransit Roadeo winners Scott and Jon.

Blacksburg Transit Operators Recieve Honors at State Paratransit Roadeo

May 4, 2017
Two of Blacksburg Transit’s top operators traveled to Lynchburg, Virginia to compete in the State Paratransit Roadeo.
BT 2017 roadeo winners.

Blacksburg Transit Operators Recieve Top Honors at State Bus Roadeo

April 12, 2017
BT sent a team of four operators and three mechanics to compete in Roanoke at the State Bus Roadeo on Sunday, April 9.
Fairen Horner and Fiona Rhodes.

Blackburg Transit Earns First Place APTA Marketing Award

March 8, 2017
Blacksburg Transit (BT) has earned a First Place Award in a national competition for the 2017 Annual American Public Transportation Association (APTA) AdWheel Awards.

Articles & News

Blacksburg Transit
One of Blacksburg Transit's existing battery-electric vehicles; the agency purchased five additional battery-electric buses from New Flyer of America in a recently announced contract.
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

Blacksburg Transit orders five electric buses from New Flyer

The 35-foot and 60-foot battery-electric buses will join the five electric buses Blacksburg Transit currently has in operation.
Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation rolled out two electric transit buses and one electric school bus as part of its week long celebration of Earth Day.
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

Cherokee Nation, VIA Metropolitan Transit and Blacksburg Transit launch zero-emission buses

April 22, 2021
The trio of electric bus launches are part of the entities’ Earth Day celebrations in Oklahoma, Virginia and Texas.
Transit employees from across the nation joined efforts in a new video encouraging mask wearing while using public transit.
Safety & Security

Transit agencies join forces to promote mask usage

Jan. 8, 2021
The agencies have produced a video with “a simple task” request of riders: Wear a mask.

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All content from Blacksburg Transit (BT)


Blackburg Transit Upgrades BT4U Call and Text Service

Aug. 23, 2016
Blacksburg Transit has moved their BT4U call and text service to a new and improved platform, the Twilio app.
City of Blacksburg
Fox is a certified planner through the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), a member of the American Planning Association, and a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Fox to Lead Blacksburg Transit

Oct. 13, 2015
Tom Fox, deputy general manager of the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) has accepted the position of director of transit for Blacksburg, Virginia. He began his 25 year career...

Blacksburg Transit System Uses Beacon Technology To Improve Service

May 15, 2015
“Time until the next bus arrives” on the Blacksburg Transit system isn’t a guessing game for passengers anymore.A rider with the BT4U app (Blacksburg Transit For You) can find...
Blacksburg Transit
Blacksburg Transit delivering rider information by beacons.

Blacksburg Transit System Uses Beacon Technology To Improve Service

April 30, 2015
“Time until the next bus arrives” on the Blacksburg Transit system isn’t a guessing game for passengers anymore.A rider with the BT4U app (Blacksburg Transit For You) can find...

Blacksburg Transit Uses Beacon Technology to Improve Service

April 17, 2015
Time until the next bus arrives on the Blacksburg Transit system isn’t a guessing game for passengers anymore.A rider with the BT4U app (Blacksburg Transit For You) can find the...

Blacksburg Transit to Introduce BT4U Technologies

April 8, 2015
Blacksburg Transit is introducing three new technologies related to the BT4U suite of trip planning tools. These new technologies will help BT learn how customers currently interact...
Blacksburg Transit
BT4U is Blacksburg Transit's new mobile phone app allowing users to easily navigate the system.

VA: Blacksburg Transit Launches BT4U Mobile App

May 20, 2014
Blacksburg Transit recently launched the BT4U mobile app for Android and iPhone users.