FTA Marketing Workshop Series: Step One - Build Awareness

Jan. 13, 2022 - Jan. 13, 2022
This is the first of six virtual marketing workshops in 2022 geared to rural and tribal public transit providers.



This is the first of six virtual marketing workshops in 2022 geared to rural and tribal public transit providers.

Awareness building is the first step in any marketing effort – simply making people aware that you exist and what you are. This workshop will identify and discuss the tools for building awareness of transit services: branding, news media relations, social media, and advertising. It will examine how to turn your capital investments into marketing tools, how to leverage your activities to gain earned media, and how to use social media and advertising to raise your visibility within the community.

The first hour will be a presentation by Selena Barlow of Transit Marketing LLC. During the final 30 minutes, approximately six participants will have the opportunity to share examples of how they are currently creating awareness for their services to share with the class and discuss.

If you would like to be one of the participants during the interactive portion of the workshop, please indicate that when you register. Participants will be selected on a first come basis.