Greater Portland Transit District (Metro)

Portland, ME 04102


About Greater Portland Transit District (Metro)


114 Valley Street
Portland, ME 04102
United States

More Info on Greater Portland Transit District (Metro)

Greater Portland Transit District
Metro Header Blue 10977833

Metro provides safe, frequent, efficient, reliable and affordable transportation throughout the Greater Portland Region.

Products and Press Releases

Greater Portland Metro
On Oct. 24, 2024, Greater Portland Metro’s Board of Directors voted to approve merging South Portland’s city-run bus system into Greater Portland Transit District (Metro).

Greater Portland Metro’s Board approves merging South Portland’s city-run bus system into Greater Portland Transit District

Oct. 28, 2024
As part of the merger, Metro has agreed to hire all South Portland bus operators, honor their seniority in terms of pay and benefits and give them the opportunity to continue ...
Communications, Navigation, CAD-AVL, GPS

Greater Portland Transit District in Maine launches intelligent transportation system

Aug. 6, 2024
The new ITS platform will consist of Equans’ NAVINE CAD/AVL system and the Optibus Planning, Scheduling, Rostering and Operations software.
Greater Portland METRO
Greater Portland Metro
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

Greater Portland METRO launches new battery-electric buses

May 18, 2022
The first electric buses to provide fixed-route public transit in Maine in more than 20 years will begin service this week.
Greater Portland Metro
Greater Portland Metro
Gas, Diesel, CNG & LNG

Maine’s Portland Metro adds six new replacement buses to its fleet

Sept. 13, 2019
Metro is also introducing automated voice announcements.
The Husky Line will increase the level of transit service along the William Clark Drive/Main Street corridor in Westbrook and the Brighton Avenue corridor in Portland.

Portland Metro Rolls Out Husky Line

Aug. 28, 2018
One of the key initiatives of Metro’s ambitious Transit West Project, announced last year, is the Husky Line, a distinctively-branded bus route featuring more frequent connections...
Visitors were able to view the new buses at the Portland Farmers' Market.

Greater Portland METRO Introduces New Buses, With Modern Bus Design

May 2, 2018
Greater Portland METRO unveiled new, 40-foot low floor buses with modern, friendly features reflecting the agency’s vision of a more sustainable future.
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Portland Metro Marked 50 Year Anniversary with Record Ridership

Jan. 25, 2017
Greater Portland Transit District (Metro) formed in 1966, reached record ridership of 1.81 million in 2016. This shatters the 1.57 million mark reached in 2015, which saw the ...
The pass allows unlimited use of Metro bus routes during the academic school year, including weekends and break periods.

Portland Students Taking New Routes to School

Oct. 9, 2015
Hundreds of students boarded Metro buses daily in September, as part of a new partnership with Portland's public high schools. September ridership reached a record 154,707 as ...

Articles & News

Denise Beck at an event showing someone how to use the transit tracker app.

Greater Portland Transit District Developing the Area's Future in Passenger Information

March 10, 2017
Passenger signage allows riders to navigate their local systems in a more effective fashion, the Greater Portland Transit District has been working to update its offered information...

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