Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

San Jose, CA 95112


About Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)


210 North 4th Street, 4th Floor
San Jose, CA 95112

More Info on Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

Mineta Transportation Institute
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The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) conducts research, education, and information and technology transfer, focusing on multimodal surface transportation policy and management issues

Products and Press Releases

Sacramento Regional Transit District
SacRT rolls out comprehensive customer survey to enhance rider safety, address street harassment.
Safety & Security

SacRT rolls out comprehensive customer survey to enhance rider safety, address street harassment

To better understand the safety concerns of its riders, SacRT is launching comprehensive customer survey opportunities with incentives.
AC Transit

Latest MTI perspective examines AC Transit’s hiring efforts

July 25, 2024
AC Transit’s hiring approach could prove to be a model template for recruitment and retention throughout the transit industry.
Mineta Transportation Institute

Latest MTI perspective reveals public transportation agencies struggle engaging stakeholders

July 11, 2024
The perspective highlights strategies for stakeholder engagement that have proven more genuine and effective in achieving critical goals and milestones for transit agencies.
Santa Clara VTA

New MTI research develops policy recommendations for equity framework for Santa Clara VTA’s proposed Equitable VMT Mitigation Program

July 9, 2024
The proposed program would provide a VMT mitigation option for local government agencies and developers, which would improve travel options for the community, with an emphasis...
Adobe Stock
Safety & Security

Latest MTI report outlines changing pattern in transit cybersecurity risk and how to manage it

April 25, 2024
The report offers recommendations on cybersecurity risk management to transit providers, insurance companies, as well as the federal government.

New MTI report reveals lack of diversity within public transit leadership positions, operational roles

March 15, 2024
The study provides updated statistics on the status of the racial/ethnic and gender diversity of the transit agency workforce in the U.S. from 2018 – 2022 and identifies potential...
Mineta Transportation Institute
Safety & Security

New MTI survey to help transit operators combat street harassment

Dec. 14, 2023
The survey was developed in conjunction with a California law, which requires California’s 10 largest transit operators to document passenger experiences with harassment using...
Mineta Transportation Institute
Safety & Security

Mineta Transportation Institute report shows bombs are terrorist weapons of choice on transportation systems

Nov. 17, 2023
The report examines the way bombs were used in 3,836 attacks on passenger trains and train stations, buses, bus stations and stops, passenger ferries and terminals, rail infrastructure...

Articles & News

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A new MTI perspective explains transit is on an unsustainable path if it tries to solve all of society's larger issues; the perspective's authors encourage a narrower financially sustainable path will propel transit forward while helping support social change.

New MTI perspective: It’s time to decide what transit is

Feb. 15, 2023
Mineta Transportation Institute’s latest perspective encourages the transit industry to focus on financial stability as a path toward society change.
Marc A. Hermann/MTA New York City Transit
In this August 2019 image, a New York City Transit patron taps into the system using a credit/debit card. MTI is urging action to protect PII as more transit systems expand data collection through platforms such as contactless fare systems.
Safety & Security

Mineta Transportation Institute: Transit needs to bolster protection of personal data

Dec. 15, 2021
With expanded data collection of personal information of riders and workers, comes the added responsibility of protecting that information against potential breaches.
Matthew Feeney/Unsplash
Matthew Feeney Concretetietrack Unsplash
Safety & Security

Mineta Transportation Institute joins C-STTAR consortium to improve railway safety

MTI joins ENSCO, as well as university and research entities to advance railway safety and technology.
Blake Lee/Unsplash
MTI researchers found more attacks happened on transit systems during off-peak hours, but peak hours attacks were more lethal.
Safety & Security

MTI researchers find most transit system attacks occur during off-peak hours

June 3, 2021
While 60 percent of passenger attacks within transit systems occur during off peak hours, the peak hour attacks are more lethal.

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All content from Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

Mineta Transportation Institute

MTI releases Defining and Measuring Equity in Public Transportation report

Sept. 22, 2023
The report aids Caltrans and other transit agencies in assessing transit service equity and helps evaluate potential solutions for past, existing and future inequities.
Mineta Transportation Institute

Mineta Transportation Institute analysis shows transportation planning process should focus on outcomes over projects

Aug. 30, 2023
The report was conducted by MTI Research Associate Joshua Schank and shows shifting focus from projects to outcomes benefits the agency, the infrastructure and the community.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
A Metro Micro vehicle at L.A. Metro's Artesia station.
Shared Mobility

New Mineta perspective argues microtransit a great idea for transit's post-pandemic recovery

Oct. 25, 2022
On-demand services offered through microtransit options are flexible, improve customer experience and can fill a void left by for profit ride share options.

The new normal: Trends in telecommuting influence transportation, employment and more

Sept. 19, 2022
MTI researchers examine how shifts in telecommuting patterns influence behavior related to transportation, and how this affects land use and emissions.
Safety & Security

Fewer cars, slower streets: The potential of the Oakland Slow Streets Program to transform communities

Aug. 23, 2022
MTI researchers examine the uses, impacts and potential scalability of the 2020-2022 Oakland Slow Streets program.
Marc A. Hermann / MTA
Safety & Security

MTI: Changing patterns of violence pose new challenges for public transport

Aug. 18, 2022
The threat of attacks on public surface transportation and staff in the U.S. and other economically advanced countries has changed so significantly over the past 20 years, there...
Mti Report Cover
Safety & Security

Cyber strength: Aligning transit agencies and vendors in face of increasing cyber risk

July 26, 2022
MTI researchers investigate cybersecurity risks for transit agencies and their vendors, and to identify steps toward increased cyber protection.
Mti Report Cover

From MTI: A fixed route, not fixed approach: Adapting fixed-route transit for optimal accessibility and equity in a pandemic

May 18, 2022
MTI researchers analyzed the impacts of social distancing on the accessibility of L.A. Metro’s fixed-route services.
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MTI: Transportation equity—says who?

March 30, 2022
An MTI researcher explores examples of decision makers misusing the label “equity” and even doing more harm than good.