The partnership will help to diversify the number of transit suppliers in the U.S. where bus manufacturing shortages have created supply chain challenges for all transit agencies...
The pilot will utilize cameras placed on two King Country Metro buses to evaluate how often private vehicles illegally use bus lanes to determine if further action needs to be...
The RapidRide J Line will strengthen vital neighborhood connections between existing Link light-rail stations in the U District and downtown Seattle and other RapidRide bus lines...
In the month of August, NJ Transit, Virginia Breeze and Snoqualmie Valley Transportation will apply bus service changes to improve efficiency and reliability of their transit ...
The goals of the project, which is set to begin construction in early June, are to reduce transit travel times, improve transit reliability and increase safety and transit access...
If the proposed changes are adopted by the King County Council, initial upgrades to the King County Metro bus network will begin with the Aug. 31 service change alongside the...
SDOT's 5.2-mile RapidRide J Line will upgrade an existing King County Metro bus line by providing improved reliability with bus-only lanes and transit signal priority, decreased...
The five transit agencies in Washington State and Oregon that commissioned the first-of-its-kind study are putting mitigation recommendations into practice to keep riders and ...
The study found fentanyl and methamphetamine on board numerous transit vehicles, but the positive samples contained small amounts that are unlikely to cause acute medical conditions...
The program includes multiple transit maintenance bases and route facility improvements located across various King County Metro sites in King County, Wash.
The mission of the Equity in Infrastructure Pledge is to build generational wealth and reduce the racial wealth gap by improving public infrastructure contracting practices to...
Specialized high-voltage control units were installed and tested during the past week at the two substations that deliver electricity to the overhead catenary system that powers...
The King County Sheriff’s Office made four arrests on Aug. 16 as part of Operation Safe Transit, which was launched May 1 as a pilot program to make transit safer along 3rd Ave...
This partnership will help to achieve real-time vehicle health monitoring, enabling proactive maintenance, reduced downtime and enhanced service reliability.