RFP # 24-07-524 IT Products and Services

Sept. 10, 2024

Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IPTC) Request for Proposal RFP # 24-07-524 IT Products and Services

Summary: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IPTC) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for qualified professional vendors to provide Information Technology (IT) products and services, including hardware, software, and product consulting services. It shall be the responsibility of the selected vendor to meet all specifications and guidelines set forth herein. IPTC, at its discretion, determines the criteria and process by which proposals are evaluated and awarded. No damages shall be recoverable by any vendor challenging the result of these determinations or decisions by IPTC. All interested vendors MUST adhere to the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) entirely and without exception. To view this RFP and the Scopes of Work (SOW) online, you must first visit indygo.bonfirehub.com to register your company. Registration is free and easy. Once registered, you will see all current solicitations as well as be informed of upcoming projects.

Issue of RFP: 08/30/2024 by EOD

Written Questions Due: 09/13/2024 by 3:00pm EST

Answers Provided and Posted: 09/18/2024 by 5:00 pm EST

Proposal Due Date: 09/30/2024 by 3:00pm EST (via the Bonfire portal)

Notice of Award: 10/22/2024 (morning after Board of Director’s meeting)