Palm Beach County (PBC) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants, whose firm has worked in a similar metropolitan area, with a minimum population of 1.5 million and geographical land area comparable to PBC’s 1,977 square miles, to develop a Countywide Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) for Palm Beach County. The goal of the Countywide Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) is to establish a multijurisdictional process and planning framework that provides for a countywide vision for transportation and mobility that safely connects people to places. The plan incorporates an intergovernmental coordination approach, as necessary, to create an effective, convenient, and regionally connected multimodal system. The CTMP will identify multimodal transportation needs, and establish a method for ongoing intergovernmental coordination of land use and transportation projects. The document may be used as a foundation for Palm Beach County and municipalities within the County to separately adopt and/or update their own specific plan of improvements. Each jurisdiction will be able to select appropriate recommendations that fit the needs of each unique community while coordinating regionally significant transportation corridors through the recommended framework. Ultimately, each plan of improvement adopted by each individual jurisdiction may lead to a plan-based improvement methodology as set forth and specifically referenced in Florida State Statutes.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) can be access through VSSPRD - Welcome to Palm Beach County’s Vendor Self-Service (VSS) Registration System. To download the RFP documents, select “View Published Solicitations” button and typing in “Countywide Transportation Master Plan” in the keyword search box.