TUV Rheinland of North America

Newtown, CT 06470


About TUV Rheinland of North America


12 Commerce Road
Newtown, CT 06470

More Info on TUV Rheinland of North America

Tuv Rheinland Logo 57850b0b31ac9

Product testing (UL, ISO, IEC, IEEE, DIN, EN), system safety assessments, EMC/EMI testing, RAMS & LLC, IRIS certification, international compliance.

Products and Press Releases

TUV Rheinland
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TÜV Rheinland receives accreditation from Standards Council of Canada to be Independent Safety Assessor for rail and transit projects in Canada

Feb. 28, 2023
This accreditation allows TÜV Rheinland to be able to perform safety assessments on all types of rail and transit projects in the Canadian territories.
TÜV Rheinland
TÜV Rheinland has appointed Dr.-Ing Michael Fübi as the new chairman of the executive board.

Dr.-Ing Michael Fübi Appointed New CEO of TÜV Rheinland

Sept. 30, 2014
Dr.-Ing Fübi, 47, will assume his new position on Jan. 1.
TUV Rhineland
David Leers has been named CFO of North America for TUV Rhineland.

MA: David Leers Joins TÜV Rheinland

Oct. 23, 2013
TÜV Rheinland has named David Leers Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for North America.
TUV Rheinland of North America
Eric Cutright, Ph.D., explains the advanced computer technology being used in the rail industry to the technology-driven generation of Scouts.

TUV Rheinland Mobility Inc. Division Supports Railroading Merit Badge at Boy Scouts of America Jamboree

Aug. 13, 2013
Rail Safety Consulting, a division of TUV Rheinland Mobility Inc. (TUV RSC), has co-sponsored the Railroading Merit Badge (RRMB) at the 2013 Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) Jamboree...
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Safety & Security

TÜV Rheinland Announces New Chief Regional Officer for North America

May 2, 2012
TÜV Rheinland has named Gerhard Luebken new chief regional officer, president and CEO of TUV Rheinland North America Holding Inc. and of TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc.

Articles & News

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Reducing Train Accidents and Derailments through Data Analysis

July 14, 2016
Graphing and data analysis software in investigative work has enabled railroad experts to see what measures could have been taken to prevent accidents and/or derailments.
TÜV Rheinland Mobility Inc.
Engineers test rail neutral temperature utilizing TÜV Rheinland’s VERSE equipment to eliminate potential track expansion due to ambient temperature rises.

Preventing Railroad Accidents

Dec. 19, 2014
Everyone in the railroad industry attempts to keep operations as safe as possible by building good equipment, operating trains safely, and properly testing and implementing new...
Cincinnati Metro
Frank Spataro has been named human resources manager for Cincinnati Metro
40 Under 40

December/January People In the News

Dec. 9, 2013
hsm-scottbeatty_11229200.jpg hsm-jimcardinale_11229197.jpgScott Beatty has been named as HSM's director of design services at its corporate innovation and technology center...
Axisph Q1602 Leftangled Wallmo 10347685
40 Under 40

Expo Product Highlights

Oct. 5, 2011
See Colors at NightAxis Communications - Booth 2905Axis Q1602/-E Network Camera is the market's most light sensitive camera able to produce color images in complete darkness. ...


Thomas Rettig

Division Manager

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All content from TUV Rheinland of North America

Intelligent Transportation Systems

TÜV Rheinland to Support U.S. DOT Connected Vehicle Research Program

March 21, 2012
Company to assist in development of Harmonized International Transportation Standards
Safety & Security

TÜV Rheinland to Hold Functional Safety Program in Chicago Area

March 19, 2012
Training offered on hardware, software design according to IEC 61508

TÜV Rheinland Acquires Rail Safety Consulting

Jan. 24, 2012
Company expands railway signaling and safety consulting, certification capabilities.
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TÜV Rheinland’s Suzanne Murtha Joins OmniAir Certification Services’ Board of Directors

Jan. 9, 2012
Murtha's deep understanding of the ITS industry's testing and certification needs and extensive volunteer experience will help the board grow OCS's certification business.