National Express Transit Corporation

Lisle, IL 60532


About National Express Transit Corporation

National Express is a full-service, nationwide operations and management firm specializing in contracted fixed-route transit, paratransit, commuter, demand-response, and shuttle solutions for transit authorities, municipalities, counties, universities, airports and social service agencies.


2601 Navistar Dr.
Lisle, IL 60532
United States of America

More Info on National Express Transit Corporation

National Express Logo 55a52949375be

National Express is a full-service, nationwide operations and management firm specializing in contracted fixed-route transit, paratransit, commuter, demand-response, and shuttle solutions for transit authorities, municipalities, counties, universities, airports and social service agencies.

Products and Press Releases

National Express Transit
National Express Transit bus driver Margarita Gallegos

National Express Transit signs three-year contract with RTA of Pima County in Arizona

Nov. 3, 2022
National Express Transit’s Tucson Customer Service Center team manages the RTA’s Sun Shuttle neighborhood and rural fixed routes, paratransit and on-demand micro-transit services...
National Express
Dan Mc Kinney Proterra Training National Express

National Express elevates EV expertise with customized maintenance training program provided by Proterra

June 22, 2022
This participation further supports National Express’ transition to an all zero-emission fleet by 2040.
National Express

National Express Transit welcomes John King as senior vice president of business development

Nov. 11, 2021
In his new role, King will oversee the Business Development Team and lead them to engage with key stakeholders.
GATRA is able to serve the customers who used fixed-route services by utilizing dial-a-ride vehicles.
Car Sharing

National Express Transit, GATRA launch new microtransit services

Dec. 10, 2020
The new service, GATRA On Demand United, is powered by NEXT Connect, a software solution that allows customers to book and pay for rides via an app, as well as track their vehicle...
Gary Waits, CEO, NEXT

NEXT welcomes returning CEO Gary Waits

Aug. 21, 2020
As the current CEO for National Express School, Waits will transition into the role of CEO of NEXT starting Sept. 1 and manage both functions.
Total Transit Enterprises
Shared Mobility

Total Transit Enterprises selected to operate Sabino Canyon Crawlers

Jan. 28, 2020
The zero-emission vehicles provide transportation to Sabino Canon Recreation Area guests.

Articles & News

Victor Valley Transit Authority
Switching to a paperless fleet management (PFM) system means that maintenance workers have up to date information at their fingertips.
Equipment & Supplies

Improving Efficiencies in Your Maintenance Department

Nov. 16, 2016
Maintenance departments are essential to running a transit system, but what is the best way to ensure that your department is operating efficiently?
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Contracting Pros and Cons: Global Trend Becoming More National

June 9, 2016
With a global-wide trend leaning toward contracting services out in the transit world — there are clear pros and cons to agencies selecting contracted services.
STV Vice President Norman Forde.

People & Places: April/May 2016

April 21, 2016
People in the NewsTherese McMillanLos Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityThe Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) announced the selection...
Top40 55fc22bbd472b
40 Under 40

2015 Top 40 Under 40

Sept. 18, 2015
Mass Transit’s Top 40 Under 40 is our annual opportunity to recognize outstanding young individuals making a name in the public transit industry. We recognize individuals for ...
StopSignSchoolbusAlgiers 562f968aa82c3

Transit Training Offers a Helping Hand

Sept. 18, 2015
City's school bus department turns to transit for safety training.
Cummins Inc.
Lou Wenzler, technical sales support director, Cummins Inc.

Using Technology to Improve Maintenance Operations

April 26, 2013
Gregg HarringtonVice president of maintenance National Express Transit ServicesThis is likely the most exciting time to be a fleet technician assigned to a fleet of transit vehicles...

Videos & Resources

PART Express Celebrates its 13th Anniversary

PART Express Celebrates its 13th Anniversary

Oct. 1, 2015
On September 30, 2015, the Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) celebrated 13 Years of service! PART serves more than 500,000 passenger trips per year. A rider...


Brian A. Sullivan

Chief Marketing Officer

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All content from National Express Transit Corporation


MBTA extends National Express’ paratransit contract for five additional years

Oct. 7, 2019
National Express Transit was awarded 50 percent of the entire Ride program and plans to increase its fleet by more than 60 percent.
National Express West Midlands
National Express West Midlands

National Express announces £500,000 funding opportunity for local young people

March 8, 2019
Young people across the West Midlands and Kent could benefit from a share of £500,000 funding from the National Express Foundation.

National Express Releases Full Year Results for the Year Ending December 31, 2018

Feb. 28, 2019
The following statement was released by Dean Finch, National Express Group Chief Executive in regards to the year end results.
National Express
Pictured above: National Express UK Managing Director Tom Stables; Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street; SCCB Deputy Faculty Head of Technology & Construction Studies Gmilla Loveridge; Jack Dromey MP; SCCB Chair of Governors Clive Henderson; SCCB Principal Mike Hopkins and SCCB Deputy Principal Sardul Dhesi.
Training, Testing Services

Mayor Opens Brand-New Training Academy in Birmingham

Oct. 12, 2018
Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street, has officially opened a new National Express Training Academy in partnership with South and City College Birmingham.
In partnership with National Express, Ecolane released its first instance of mobility-on-demand (MOD) that services riders with and without disabilities for San Joaquin’s Regional Transit District through the new pilot program 'RTD Van Go!'.

Ecolane “RTD Van Go!” App Delivers Complete Rider Control of Mobility-On-Demand For San Joaquin County

Oct. 9, 2018
In partnership with National Express, Ecolane released its first instance of mobility-on-demand (MOD) that services riders with and without disabilities for San Joaquin’s Regional...
National Express
National Express Coventry has recently changed some of its bus services to bring even better services for customers, including fast links from the city center.

National Express Coventry Defies National Trend

Oct. 8, 2018
National Express Coventry has recently changed some of its bus services to bring even better services for customers, including fast links from the city center.

Xplore Plans October Changes to Bus Network

Aug. 23, 2018
The bus operator’s proposals are currently being reviewed by Dundee City Council before taking effect from Sunday, October 21.

Bus Passenger Satisfaction Riding High in the West Midlands

Aug. 22, 2018
Nearly nine in 10 bus passengers in the West Midlands are happy with their service and record numbers think it’s good value for money, an independent survey has found.