Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

Cincinnati, OH 45202


About Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)


120 E. Fourth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
United States of America

More Info on Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

Products and Press Releases

Go Metro

Brad Mason joins SORTA as director of communications

Jan. 29, 2024
Mason will oversee internal and external communications, implement strategies to enhance awareness of SORTA's initiatives and activities while contributing to the development ...
Cincinnati Metro
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Mobile Applications

Cincinnati Metro launching second phase of MetroNow! July 11

July 6, 2023
The launch of the second phase of the pilot project follows the successful launch of the Springdale/Sharonville zone on May 22.
Cincinnati Metro
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Cincinnati Metro provides more than one million trips in January

Feb. 22, 2023
January marked the first time the agency hit the milestone since before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

ODOT and OEPA awards $1.9 million in funds to SORTA to purchase four clean-diesel buses

Jan. 26, 2023
The new clean-diesel vehicles will assist Cincinnati Metro’s ongoing plan to revitalize its fleet.
Cincinnati Metro

Cincinnati Metro’s Transit Infrastructure Fund grants to provide $39.2 million in new funding

Jan. 19, 2023
The money will go towards 36 transit-related infrastructure projects across 25 communities in Hamilton County
SORTA Board of Trustees Chair Kreg Keesee delivers remarks at the State of Metro 2022 luncheon, Oct. 25, 2022.

SORTA 'State of Metro 2022' marks progress made and looks to future

Oct. 27, 2022
The event served as an annual meeting; a report to the community on recent accomplishments and future plans; an education in regional and national transportation trends and a ...
Cincinnati Metro
Metro Bus 2021 Go Metro

Cincinnati Metro ridership returning to near pre-pandemic levels following service improvements, partnerships, promotions

Sept. 21, 2022
Systemwide ridership is now exceeding 80 percent of Cincinnati Metro's pre-pandemic (2019) monthly average, with some routes having surpassed pre-COVID levels.
SORTA officials, community agency leaders and Access customers, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Aug. 16 to mark the opening of SORTA's renovated paratransit assessment center.

SORTA cuts ribbon on paratransit assessment center

Sept. 7, 2022
The renovated assessment center includes a half-sized bus used to simulate rides and assess whether a customer’s disability would prevent them from using SORTA’s bus system.
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Andy Aiello to join SORTA executive leadership team as chief of staff

Aug. 12, 2022
Aiello currently serves as general manager of TANK, a role he has held since 2010, overseeing the daily operations of the transit system that provides more than three million ...

Articles & News

Matthew D. Moorman, Senior Manager of Service Planning & Scheduling, SORTA
40 Under 40

2022 40 Under 40: Matthew D. Moorman

Aug. 23, 2022
Matthew D. Moorman, Senior Manager of Service Planning & Scheduling, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)
The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority was one of 35 transit providers to receive a share of the $2.2 billion in American Rescue Plan additional assistance funding.

FTA awards $2.2 billion additional assistance funds from American Rescue Plan

March 8, 2022
The funds will go to 35 entities in 17 states and the District of Columbia to cover pandemic-related expenses such as cleaning and sanitization and support employee retention....
Jeff Mundstock
Jeff Mundstock, Director of Maintenance, SORTA
40 Under 40

2021 40 Under 40: Jeff Mundstock

Nov. 23, 2021
Jeff Mundstock, Director of Maintenance, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority/Metro (SORTA)
Transit employees from across the nation joined efforts in a new video encouraging mask wearing while using public transit.
Safety & Security

Transit agencies join forces to promote mask usage

Jan. 8, 2021
The agencies have produced a video with “a simple task” request of riders: Wear a mask.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Patrick Cashin
APTA awarded a Gold Award to Long Island Rail Road as part its Rail Safety Awards.
Safety & Security

APTA names Safety & Security Excellence winners

Sept. 23, 2020
The annual recognition honors transit agencies for innovative and proactive safety and security programs.
Cincinnati Metro
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2016 Top 40 Under 40: Brandy Jones

Sept. 6, 2016
Brandy L. Jones, APR, External Affairs Manager, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority/Cincinnati Metro
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)
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Fare Collection

2016 Top 40 Under 40: Matthew Conover

Sept. 6, 2016
Matthew Conover, Service Analyst Supervisor, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

Videos & Resources

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Mass Transit Weekly Update 4/29/2016

April 29, 2016
This week’s transit update includes videos from TriMet, the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transit System, Metro Transit, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority...
Cincinnati Streetcar Safety Video

Cincinnati Streetcar Safety Video

April 29, 2016
Cincinnati's has not had a streetcar since 1951, and the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (Cincinnati Metro) educating the community about streetcar safety.

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All content from Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

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SORTA and CPS approve new student transportation contract for 2022-23 school year

Aug. 3, 2022
The contract allows CPS students in grades nine through 12 to ride transit to and from school and after-school activities during the school year.
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SORTA welcomes Rick Bailey as new director of transit operations

May 11, 2022
Bailey brings 13 years of transit-related experience with him, including most recently oversight of fixed-route and paratransit operations, planning, scheduling, training, safety...

Larry Pinkelton joins SORTA executive leadership team as new CFO

May 2, 2022
Pinkelton will be responsible for overseeing the transit agency’s $146.6 million operating budget, capital program, financial reporting, treasury management activities and investments...
Ben Cole Sorta

Ben Cole Joins SORTA as new director of training and employee development

April 5, 2022
Cole brings with him two decades of experience in training, employee development, organization development and talent management.
Rendering of the Western Hills Viaduct replacement.

SORTA seeking applications for second round of transit infrastructure fund grants

April 1, 2022
In last year’s inaugural round of grants, SORTA awarded $227 million to 30 projects across 22 Hamilton County communities.
Officials gathered to celebrate the first awarding of funds from the newly established Transit Infrastructure Fund.

SORTA awards $220 million in inaugural transit infrastructure fund grant awards

Feb. 14, 2022
Funding went to 30 projects improving 22 Hamilton County communities.
Go Metro
Go Metro

Go Metro accelerating operator recruitment following union deal

Feb. 3, 2022
Under the new union contract, Go Metro operators enjoy competitive pay and benefits.
The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority has reached a new three-year agreement with ATU Local 627.

SORTA, ATU Local 627 reach new contract agreement

Jan. 12, 2022
The three-year agreement is retroactive and includes a higher starting wage, guarantees pay increases annually, as well as retroactive pay increases.
Fare Collection

SORTA and Transit App celebrate new EZfare milestone

April 15, 2021
Riders have taken 500,000 EZfare trips with the app.