Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.

Corona, CA 92879


About Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.

Connecting Communities for over 30 years, delivering uniquely designed, quality-built bus shelters, BRT stations, solar solutions and digital displays on time and on budget – that’s the Tolar Difference.


258 Mariah Circle
Corona, CA 92879
United States of America

More Info on Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.

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We listen to understand, not simply to reply. This is a creed we stand by. Our clients come to us with a vision and specific needs to fulfill when it comes to their  transit shelter and outdoor furniture projects. So, we listen… and listen with intent. We then ensure we understand and explore that vision and the community’s expectations. Next, we execute on that vision, putting our team of skilled professionals to work developing a durable yet distinctive final product.

As North America’s leader in the design and fabrication of award-winning, best-in-class transit shelters, solar solutions, street furniture and digital/information displays, Tolar Manufacturing Company has a reputation of delivering uniquely designed, quality-built products on time and on budget. This doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of the company’s commitment to invest in purpose-driven design, specifications, top-notch materials including steel and manufactured products that are produced in the United States, standardized fabrication processes and end-to-end quality control unmatched in the bus stop shelter and outdoor furnishings industry.  

  • Approved Fabricator – City of Los Angeles
  • Approved Fabricator – Clark County Nevada’s Department of Building & Fire Prevention is an IAS-approved (International Accreditation Service) independent auditing agency



Products and Press Releases

Tolar Manufacturing
EcoShade system
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Sunset EcoShade 

Dec. 17, 2024
The shelter is built in an all-aluminum EcoShade system that features a protective fully welded radius roof and seating for two.
Tolar Manufacturing
Tolar Manufacturing Company has completed a contract to design, manufacture and deliver 15 Sunset shelters for Virginia Tech and Blacksburg Transit in Blacksburg, Va.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing delivers 15 Sunset shelters to Virginia Tech and Blacksburg Transit

Dec. 12, 2024
The shelters are part of an improvement project to provide a central transportation hub and alternative transportation facilities.
Supplier's Directory

Sunset Shelter with Custom Agency Branded Glass

Nov. 7, 2024
Trinity Metro’s Touch Every Stop project adds amenities to its service area with various features, like this custom agency-branded glass for the agency’s orange line.
Supplier's Directory

Signature Empire EcoShade

Nov. 7, 2024
This EcoShade bus shelter in Dallas, Texas, features an all-aluminum, fully welded Sunset Empire roof with a dripline and integrated solar lighting and seating.
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Tolar Manufacturing Company, MARTA completes installation of 850 bus stops throughout city of Atlanta, Ga.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Company, MARTA complete installation of 850 bus stops throughout city of Atlanta, Ga.

Oct. 1, 2024
The installation of the bus stops marks the conclusion of a five-year agreement between MARTA and Tolar Manufacturing that utilized ridership data, feedback from customers, community...
Tolar Manufacturing
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing delivers 24 new bus shelters to Port Huron, Mich.

Aug. 16, 2024
Tolar is helping Blue Water Area Transit upgrade its rider experience by installing new Signature Sunset Bus Shelters.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

DART launches new bus shelter pilot

The protypes of the shelters, made by Tolar Manufacturing and designed by the University of Texas at Arlington, include standard-width and slim-width shelters with benches and...
Tolar Manufacturing
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Company delivers 50 new shelters to StanRTA

June 12, 2024
Tolar's Sunset Bus Shelters feature comfortable seating, solar lighting and trash receptacles.
Tolar Manufacturing
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Corporation to deliver "Mini" shelters to Greater Southeast Management District

June 6, 2024
The Sunset “Mini” shelters feature a full-sized 10-foot Sunset shelter roof over a customized “Mini” base, which provides shelter, lighting and seating on a reduced footprint....

Articles & News

A resident waiting at one of DART's Next Generation Bus Shelters.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Innovative Student Design Shapes Future of DART's Next Generation Bus Shelters

Sept. 17, 2024
Vanessa Lopez was one of 16 college students that worked on concept designs for the agency’s new bus shelters, which were installed at five bus stop locations to kick off DART...
Tolar Manufacturing
Tolar supplied nine highly branded shelters on a 3,300-acre site in Baltimore, Md., that incorporated amenities such as double wind screen walls, under roof security lighting and overhead infrared heaters with controls.
Shelters, Stations, Fixtures, Parking & Lighting

The Passenger Experience Starts with a Stop

Aug. 23, 2022
Transit stops that balance style with function can result in bus shelters and outdoor furniture that provide modern amenities that transform a community’s outdoor environment ...
Tolar Manufacturing
Tolar Manufacturing, Passenger Information at Bus Stops
Passenger Info

February Products: Passenger Information

Feb. 7, 2019
View more of the latest passenger information products at
Ernest Romero Jr., Senior Design Engineer, Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

2018 Top 40 Under 40: Ernest Romero Jr.

Sept. 14, 2018
Ernest Romero Jr., Senior Design Engineer, Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.
Shelter mockup after 5af1d60dc5d0c

Branded Transit Shelters and Signage Leveraged as BRT Elements for Gary, Indiana’s New Broadway Metro Express Rapid Bus Service

June 4, 2018
GPTC launched the first BRT style project for the agency, the corridor was selected because it was a high-frequency area that was poised for future development.
32-inch Connectpoint Digital Bus Stop.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

December/January Product Feature: Shelters, Stations and Furniture

Dec. 12, 2017
The latest in shelter and station products, view more at
Alstom - Design & Styling
On August 1, 2017, Alstom delivered the first of 60 Citadis X05 to Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) in Sydney, Australia.

APTA Expo Product Features - Day One

Oct. 7, 2017
Some of the latest products and technologies on display at the American Public Transportation Association's Expo 2017.
Luis Manuel Ramírez, General Manager/CEO, MBTA

September/October People & Places

Sept. 15, 2017
RATP Dev Selected to Manage ART ServiceRATP Dev announced it has been awarded the contract to manage Asheville Redefines Transit (ART), the transit services for the city of Asheville...
Real-time digital passenger information displays and free-standing kiosks now seen at Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) in Florida along their First Coast Flyer routes.

Best Practices: Real-Time Information

June 6, 2017
Real-time benefits from real-time information.
Connectpoint 32-inch Digital Bus Stop.

March Products: Digital Signage and Passenger Information

March 10, 2017
The latest products for passenger information. For more visit

Videos & Resources

Tolar Manufacturing - Company Video

Tolar Manufacturing - Company Video

Aug. 2, 2016
Tolar’s reputation as North America’s leader in the design of transit shelters, outdoor furniture and advertising displays doesn’t occur by chance. It’s the result of the commitment...


Patrick Merrick

Executive Vice-President, Tolar Manufacturing

Scott Williams

Business Development Manager, Tolar Manufacturing

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All content from Tolar Manufacturing Company Inc.

Tolar Manufacturing Company
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Company to build 100 bus shelters for Grand Rapids, Mich.

March 29, 2024
The contract is part of The Rapid's Bus Stop Improvement Program and an overall commitment to enhance passenger amenities.
Shelters, Stations, Fixtures, Parking, Lighting

Tolar Orion BRT bus shelters

Dec. 19, 2023
Signature Orion BRT bus shelters feature 120VAC electric security lights and a backlit rear banner.
Supplier's Directory

Signature Sunset agency-branded bus shelter

Nov. 15, 2023
This 10’ Signature Sunset shelter in Greensboro, NC is equipped with solar-powered security lighting, agency-branded tempered safety-glass and is NCDOT-PEP approved for safety...
Tolar Manufacturing Company
EcoShade shelter in Ft Worth, Texas.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Company to deliver 19 bus shelters to PSTA in December

Sept. 1, 2023
Tolar Manufacturing Company began manufacturing 19 out of the 135 bus shelters in March and will deliver the shelters as part of s a part of a $2 million, three-year contract....
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar Manufacturing Company delivers 12 Niagara Series bus shelters to Jacksonville, N.C.

Aug. 25, 2023
The shelters feature weather protecting roofs and side walls, solar lighting for security, restful benches, enclosed map cases for ease of identifying travel information and shelter...
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Trinity Metro in Fort Worth, Texas, has awarded a three-year contract to Tolar Manufacturing Company for plans to upgrade bus stops system-wide
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Trinity Metro awards Tolar Manufacturing three-year contract for plans to upgrade entire bus stop system

July 31, 2023
Along with over 254 Signature Sunset bus shelters that include agency branding advertising panels, Tolar will also provide new, uniquely designed Signature Sunset EcoShade six...
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Tolar delivers 30 bus shelters to city of Tallahassee

June 22, 2023
Tolar designed and fabricated two shelter lengths to meet StarMetro’s size and foundation requirements and narrow footprints with solid aluminum roof panels to provide maximum...
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

CapMetro begins to see delivery of Tolar bus shelters

June 15, 2023
Tolar Manufacturing is delivering 139, 12-foot and 10, 14-foot Signature Brazos model bus shelters from April through August and an additional 125 shelters over each of the next...
Tolar Manufacturing Company
Lawrence KS.jpg
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

City of Lawrence contracts Tolar Manufacturing for sheltered bus stops

May 22, 2023
Lawrence Transit has 376 bus stops, 17 percent of which currently have bus shelters.